Tuesday, July 20, 2010

With only FOUR days to go!

Ladies & lads, our long anticipated for International Understanding Day 2010 is only 4 days away and I hope you all are as hyped as we are. (; We're satisfied with the numbers we see on our guest list and in return, we want to let you & everyone else enjoy an I.U. Day that will definately start AND end with a BANG! But of course, there is still space for more people to come in & join the fun so tell your father, your mother, your brother, your sister, your uncle, aunty, grandmother, grandfather, teacher, friend, pet dog, cat, who and whatever to come join us! (kay, maybe not the dog or the cat but everyone else! :))

It's full steam ahead as we make our final preparations in our final days because we want to leave each and everyone of you in absolute awe when it's all over. To add to all the excitement, we'll be having a surprise for you (; There's no telling what it might be so now now folks, don't forget to join us THIS SATURDAY! THE 24th of July 2010! At 1.30pm for registration(don't be late! cause you wouldn't want to miss out on our great line-up) till 6.00pm! BE THERE OR BE.... square.

*gentle reminder, please dress accordingly. not to the theme because we DON'T want coconut bikinis, flipflops, and all tht jazz. yeah, dress according to our dress code, please and thanks! ♥

Sunday, July 18, 2010

SMK TTDI's Interact Club International Understanding Day!

(click to enlarge!)

Hey guys! Guess what? SMK TTDI's Interact Club's International Understanding Day 2010 is just around the corner and we want you, You, AND YOU to be there! There will be a great line-up of performances, games with prizes waiting to be won & great people around. We assure you that ...you will have the best time & no less than that.

Venue: SMK TTDI's Basketball Court.
Date: 24th July 2010, Saturday
Time: 2PM - 5:30PM
REGISTRATION starts at 1:30 PM

Theme: The Caribbean Getaway!
Entrance Fees: RM12 (for those ONLY in Interact uniforms)
RM15 (other non-Interactors or without Interact uniforms)

The history of the Caribbean is a fascinating one, full of extraordinary characters and events.The Caribbean is basically a region consisting of the Caribbean Sea, its islands (most of which enclose the sea), and the surrounding coasts. We want YOU to know the REAL Caribbean apart from what seemed to have already been imaged as swords, skeletons, pirates and Johnny Depp. The Caribbean is known for their simple life and how they celebrate their perception in something called “multi-culturalism”. We'll also introduce you to their various culture, music and other unknown facts about the Caribbean! So come join us as we'll take you on a journey to the ultimate paradise!

PS: just a gentle reminder, we hope everyone will kindly take heed to our attire restrictions. We know the theme practically screams "BEACH!", we would NOT want you to come in shorts, slippers/flip-flops, mini skirts[skirts that stop at the knee or below the knee would be fine], sleeveless shirts/spaghetti straps/tank tops/low cut tops/tops that reveal the back or just about anything that exposes TOO much skin. We're asking nicely, please respect the "dress code" because we don't want to refuse you the sale of ticket(s) then ask you to leave instead.

If you're afraid that it's going to be hot and that you may get skin cancer, fret not because we will be providing tents and fans. A couple of years ago, we did the same and our event turned out to be one of our biggest success(and people didn't complain about the heat). Food and drinks will also be prepared for you guys to have during intervention, where everyone will be given a chance to mingle too (: sounds like fun eyh? We will see you all there then! (; Power to the People!

** If you have any inquires, don't hesitate to ask one of the admins here by leaving your comments below. Thank you!