Saturday, June 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

In Africa's Shoes

SMK Assunta's I.U Day
Date: 20th June 2009
Time : 10 am - 12 pm (IU DAY)
12 - 4 pm (Carnival)
Venue : SMK Assunta's Gallery and field

Interactors Danesh, Lian and Karen attended this event.
We arrived late, just in time for the video presentation, after the speeches.
The theme, as you can guess, revolves around the lifestyles of Africans.
They had a step dance performance; 'Rhythm of Africa'.
Then, a performance by the Assunta Military Band which is quite cool :D
They had another dance performance, a fashion show, and the grand finale with Interactors singing 'Circle of Life'.
It was 12 pm by the time the IU Day ended and we headed to the field for the carnival.
They had food stalls, stalls selling t-shirts and personalised badges, and various game booths.
The Assunta cheerleading team made a brief performance.
A little bit later on, there was a band performance as well.
Unfortunately, we couldn't stay long.
But, to say the least, the I.U Day was very interesting and fruitful.
And the carnival was a whole lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


International Understanding ( I.U. ) Day 2009 SMKTTDI
Date : 1st August

Further details will be posted up soon.

For SMKTTDI students :

*For students from other schools, information will be posted up soon, so don't worry.

Monday, June 15, 2009

High School Klang I.U Day,

Date: 30th May '09
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Venue : SMK Tinggi Klang

The president, Danesh and a few interactors attended the event on the day stated above.
The theme : Reincarnation of Ancient Egypt.
The event started off with speeches and the national anthem, followed by role call.
The performances were good as they evolved around anything Egyptian.
There were games where representatives from each school were required to participate.
It was good entertainment :)
We had refreshments and resumed back into the hall.
There were more performances.
The fashion show featuring all the board members of the club was especially memorable.
And, to name a few; break dancing, a male duet performance singing "I'm Yours" and an unknown Malay love song (they were really good), and Chinese yoyo.
Personally, the latter was the first performance I've ever watched in events like these.
Pretty cool (:
And then by 11 something, we left.

Cheers, Karen.