Saturday, October 3, 2009


Firstly, we would sincerely like to apologize to the avid
readers of this blog for the lack of updates. As finals are on
its way, we have been busy getting ourselves prepared, thus
explains the lack of updates.

, we would like to wish all PMR & SPM candidates the
best of luck for their examinations & may all of you pass with
flying colours. (:

we would like to thank everyone who attended our
International Understanding Day 2009. Without you guys, it wouldn't
have been a success & we want to thank you again. (:

Fourthly, a few of the Board of Directors of 09/10 attended SMK La
Selle's "Dance Off; East Meets West Fusion" which was held
approximately three Saturdays ago at 12PM - 2PM and
we would also like to thank them for inviting
us because we certainly enjoyed ourselves during the event.
*will do a proper update on this the next update.

Fifthly, the BOD of 09/10 would like to wish goodluck,
say goodbye & thank you to the previous BOD of 08/09 for
having taught us how to be more responsible, guiding us and
providing support in everything we do. The club wouldn't be where
it is today if it weren't for you all & we thank you & we hope
everything goes well for all those who have stepped down from the
BOD of 08/09. (:

Lastly, congratulations to all the new elected Board of Directors
of 09/10 & as I speak on behalf of the board, we will try our very
best to not let you down in anything we do. So, do stay tuned folks
because we have many many things in store for you. (:

See you around!

p.s. Good luck to everyone who will be
sitting for their end term papers too!