Saturday, October 3, 2009


Firstly, we would sincerely like to apologize to the avid
readers of this blog for the lack of updates. As finals are on
its way, we have been busy getting ourselves prepared, thus
explains the lack of updates.

, we would like to wish all PMR & SPM candidates the
best of luck for their examinations & may all of you pass with
flying colours. (:

we would like to thank everyone who attended our
International Understanding Day 2009. Without you guys, it wouldn't
have been a success & we want to thank you again. (:

Fourthly, a few of the Board of Directors of 09/10 attended SMK La
Selle's "Dance Off; East Meets West Fusion" which was held
approximately three Saturdays ago at 12PM - 2PM and
we would also like to thank them for inviting
us because we certainly enjoyed ourselves during the event.
*will do a proper update on this the next update.

Fifthly, the BOD of 09/10 would like to wish goodluck,
say goodbye & thank you to the previous BOD of 08/09 for
having taught us how to be more responsible, guiding us and
providing support in everything we do. The club wouldn't be where
it is today if it weren't for you all & we thank you & we hope
everything goes well for all those who have stepped down from the
BOD of 08/09. (:

Lastly, congratulations to all the new elected Board of Directors
of 09/10 & as I speak on behalf of the board, we will try our very
best to not let you down in anything we do. So, do stay tuned folks
because we have many many things in store for you. (:

See you around!

p.s. Good luck to everyone who will be
sitting for their end term papers too!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

UPDATES & My Sincere Apology

Firstly, I would represent the club and sincerely apologize to everyone who intends to attend our IU Day.
As you frequent visitors might notice, there have been many changes now and then even though the day we have all be anticipating for, are only days away.
THIS update will be the final one on our event's changes.
I humbly ask for everyone's forgiveness if you have been offended or annoyed with us.
There have been unavoidable problems that our club has encountered to organize this event.
I hope that everyone will be considerate of our mistakes.

Tham Kar Kei,
Interact Club of SMKTTDI.
Date : 1st August 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 1.30pm(Registrations) ; 2pm - 6pm (Event)
Venue : Taman Tun Dr. Ismail, Community Hall
Price : RM15 ( Interact/LEO Club Uniform)
RM17 (Semi-formal)

* Please be informed that
Give yourself a chance to enjoy yourself with your friends on that day at our IU Day.
With the theme 'Rock Your Soul', we hope to provide a day where everyone can forget about their stress on studies and upcoming examinations with the music, interactivity, food and games!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Due to the haze and our concern for the health of others,
SMKTTDI IU DAY '09 might be held in the TTDI COMMUNITY HALL behind SMKTTDI.

However, this has not been confirmed yet. We will update as soon as possible :)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

SMKTTDI I.U Day 2009


Date : 1st August, Saturday
Time : 2.30 - 6 p.m.
Venue : Pentas Bestari SMKTTDI
Theme : Rock Your Soul!
Dress Code : Semi formal
Ticket price: RM15 (Interact/Leo Club Uniform)
RM17 (Semi formal)

Food and drinks included.

Most importantly, there will be an OPEN DANCE FLOOR.
Seeing as this event will be held under the sun, there will be more canopies and fans in comparison to last year's.

Shorts, mini skirts, sleeveless shirts, spaghetti/tank tops, open back shirts, low cuts, shirts that reveal the midriff, slippers, extreme hairstyles are NOT ALLOWED under ANY circumstances.
You will be denied entry if you don any stated above.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Monday, June 22, 2009

In Africa's Shoes

SMK Assunta's I.U Day
Date: 20th June 2009
Time : 10 am - 12 pm (IU DAY)
12 - 4 pm (Carnival)
Venue : SMK Assunta's Gallery and field

Interactors Danesh, Lian and Karen attended this event.
We arrived late, just in time for the video presentation, after the speeches.
The theme, as you can guess, revolves around the lifestyles of Africans.
They had a step dance performance; 'Rhythm of Africa'.
Then, a performance by the Assunta Military Band which is quite cool :D
They had another dance performance, a fashion show, and the grand finale with Interactors singing 'Circle of Life'.
It was 12 pm by the time the IU Day ended and we headed to the field for the carnival.
They had food stalls, stalls selling t-shirts and personalised badges, and various game booths.
The Assunta cheerleading team made a brief performance.
A little bit later on, there was a band performance as well.
Unfortunately, we couldn't stay long.
But, to say the least, the I.U Day was very interesting and fruitful.
And the carnival was a whole lot of fun.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


International Understanding ( I.U. ) Day 2009 SMKTTDI
Date : 1st August

Further details will be posted up soon.

For SMKTTDI students :

*For students from other schools, information will be posted up soon, so don't worry.

Monday, June 15, 2009

High School Klang I.U Day,

Date: 30th May '09
Time: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Venue : SMK Tinggi Klang

The president, Danesh and a few interactors attended the event on the day stated above.
The theme : Reincarnation of Ancient Egypt.
The event started off with speeches and the national anthem, followed by role call.
The performances were good as they evolved around anything Egyptian.
There were games where representatives from each school were required to participate.
It was good entertainment :)
We had refreshments and resumed back into the hall.
There were more performances.
The fashion show featuring all the board members of the club was especially memorable.
And, to name a few; break dancing, a male duet performance singing "I'm Yours" and an unknown Malay love song (they were really good), and Chinese yoyo.
Personally, the latter was the first performance I've ever watched in events like these.
Pretty cool (:
And then by 11 something, we left.

Cheers, Karen.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catholic High School's Interact Carnival !

Only 2 interactors, Interactor Ashley (me) and Interactor Nik Hannani attended this event.

There were interesting game booths that were set up. If you earn enough stamps, you could get yourself some interesting prizes from the prize booth. Various kinds of food and beverages were sold but it mainly consist of the Malaysian delicacies such as satay, nasi lemak, mamak mi goreng, ais kacang and many others. During the event, a beatbox performance was also shown.

The games section.

The food section.

Hit The QQ booth.

A beatbox performance was also shown.

One of the many interesting booths,
Pin the tail on the mutant as*

Human fusbal !

Interactor Nik Hannani enjoying the various food.

With Interactor Ang Hui Li.

It was a tiring, yet a very fun day!

You will see the next update soon enough,
Ashley Phuah (:

SMK Seri Bintang Utara's International Understanding Day


Six interactors from SMK TTDI attended this event which happened on the 18th of April 2009. Their IU Day started at 1 p.m. but we arrived an hour later.
Their theme was Back To The 50's!
There were interesting sketches on our arrival.
We were brought to a display of many interesting things which people used to use, dress and all sorts!
Interactor Kimberly from SMKSBU toured us and explained about the whole display of items.
There were posters, sculptures of a car, a big bottle of Coke and others.
There were even people dressed in costumes mimicking Elvis Presley, Audrey Hepburn and Charlie Chaplin.

Some of our interactors even got a chance to have a picture taken with them.
An attention-grabbing dance performance of the 50's were also performed.
An interesting display of clothes showcasing the 1950's were shown by the interactors of SMK SBU during the fashion show performance.


It was overall a very interesting day :)

Ashley (:

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Run for a GOOD Cause!

[ 26th April 2009, Sunday ]
IRR Charity Run

Time : 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Venue : Klang High School
Price : RM10 (registration fee)**
Wear : Sports attire

If you're interested, please give your names to your respective form representatives.
Please do so soon!

**Transportation fee yet to be decided.

And by the way, if you think you're not capable of running 6 kilometers, it's no crime to walk or jog instead.

'Til then,

Wesley Methodist I.U Day 2009

[ Wednesday, 1st April 2009 ]

We were all required to gather in school before 2.30 p.m. just in time to get on the bus to head to the Wesley Methodist School.
Their I.U Day started around 3.30 p.m.
And their theme was Mexico!
There were speeches by the principal, the representative of the Embassy of Mexico, and the I.U Director.
Not to mention a special sketch and salsa dance performance.
We were introduced to all things Mexican and that made us understand Mexican culture even more.
Bring on the pinatas, maracas, sombreros, tacos and nachos!
We were given a 10 minute break to answer questions at booths in order to collect as many points as possible to get a chance at the pinata.
There was a slideshow at the end of the event on Mexican history.
And then the event ended.
Just before we left though, we got to enjoy the refreshments served.

All in all, it was a fruitful experience.
*Unfortunately, we didn't get to take many photographs of the event so that is why there are only a few posted up.

Do check back for updates,

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

MPO Trip

[ Wednesday - 4th March, 2009 ]

Our dearest teacher advisor, Pn. Hazlin, decided to take us to watch the special performances by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra.
The performances revolved around traditional music and the olden days.
I'll just let the photographs tell the story.
(Note : Photographs are not in order)

Group Photo :)

On the way to KLCC.

People grabbing a bite to eat after the show.

Suffice to say, everyone had a good time.
This won't be the last trip! :)

Cheers, Karen.