Sunday, May 10, 2009

Catholic High School's Interact Carnival !

Only 2 interactors, Interactor Ashley (me) and Interactor Nik Hannani attended this event.

There were interesting game booths that were set up. If you earn enough stamps, you could get yourself some interesting prizes from the prize booth. Various kinds of food and beverages were sold but it mainly consist of the Malaysian delicacies such as satay, nasi lemak, mamak mi goreng, ais kacang and many others. During the event, a beatbox performance was also shown.

The games section.

The food section.

Hit The QQ booth.

A beatbox performance was also shown.

One of the many interesting booths,
Pin the tail on the mutant as*

Human fusbal !

Interactor Nik Hannani enjoying the various food.

With Interactor Ang Hui Li.

It was a tiring, yet a very fun day!

You will see the next update soon enough,
Ashley Phuah (: